Critical incident stress management
After a traumatic experience, the first point of contact for any public safety person should be a trained Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Network team member. These specially trained peers, from all branches of public safety, are skilled in assessment for signs of occupational stress injuries, cumulative stress and post-traumatic stress injuries. Once an assessment of the situation and those involved has been made, team members provide individual and group interventions, follow ups and provide referrals for individual counseling and contact with the WCB.
The Saskatchewan CISM Network is a peer support program whose mission is to provide training, education, resources, crisis intervention and critical incident stress management to all branches of public safety including, EMS, both volunteer and paid service firefighters, first responders, search and rescue, RCMP, police, conservation officers, correctional services and other organizations, institutions and groups when requested. The members of this network adhere to the recommendations for best practices in comprehensive crisis intervention and disaster behavioural health services provided by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and the Alberta Critical Incident Advisory Council (ACIAC).
If you have experienced a traumatic event, contact:
- CISM support services: 306.731.7954
- Inquiries or information:
- Email: patty@saskcism.ca
- Website: www.saskcism.ca
- Facebook: Saskatchewan CISM Network
To read more, download the CIS resources handout.